Connect Your Own Wallet
Privy Managed For You

This creates a wallet managed behind the scenes (via Privy) for you. You can sign in with your email or social logins.

Enter Address

Interact without a connected wallet. To sign-in, you may use previously approved methods (passwords, socials, etc). Transactions will only be signable if your sign in has embedded wallet access.

Or, you can use this as a browse-only mode.

Guest Account

Use a temporary managed account only accessible from this browser. Note: This account will be lost when you terminate your browser session or clear your cookies. It should not be treated as a long-term, secure account.

New to Web3?

A crypto wallet is like a digital account that lets you interact with blockchain applications. It provides a unique address (like a username) that identifies you (e.g. 0x1234...5678). And instead of password-based authentication, you use the wallet to sign / approve requests and transactions. You can either:

  • Choose a provider and create your own wallet (recommended for security and control)
  • Use a managed wallet (easier but controlled by a centralized service)
  • Try as a guest (temporary, for testing)
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